Going through tragedies such as a sudden death, sexual assault, surviving a war or terrorist attack, a shooting, a disaster, and others can bring about depression. It can make you see how tragic the world can really be as well as give you nightmares, flashbacks, or even post-traumatic stress disorder.
Depression Treatment Center
What Are the Symptoms of Trauma-Induced Depression?
Trauma-induced depression symptoms can mean that you are experiencing extreme sadness where you are frequently crying. It can also mean that you are feeling numb to every situation you are a part of where you are not happy, sad, angry. You just do not show your feelings. It can also mean that you are not eating or can hardly get some sleep because of the nightmares you are having. This type of depression can also mean that you are withdrawing from those in your social circle like your friends and family in feeling like they will not understand what you are going through and do not want them to know either.What Kind of Therapy Will Help with My Trauma-Induced Depression?
It is important that you speak to a doctor about your depression symptoms as well as what led to them. Since depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, your doctor can prescribe you medications that can help ease your symptoms. It also helps to speak to a mental health professional to be able to speak to him or her about what happened to you and led to your depression. Keeping your feelings inside of you will make your depression worse. A huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders if you talk to a trained professional. It may also help to join a peer support group so that you are aware that others have gone through tragic situations similar to yours and are trying to relieve their symptoms of depression as well.How Can I Find Ways To Enjoy Myself?
You can start by spending some time with your friends and family. They are in your life to make you feel happy and can help you find something to look forward to. You can also start participating in activities you enjoy to boost your mood and disallow you to focus on your negative thoughts. Remember to exercise and eat balanced meals. By finding ways to enjoy your life and to confide in someone, your depression symptoms will get better over time.Located in Draper, Utah at the base of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains, Corner Canyon works with adults who are over 18 struggling with mental health diagnoses like depression, anxiety, trauma, bi-polar, and other mood disorders seeking treatment. Corner Canyon offers advanced technology to help their clients such as brain balancing technology to better assess the brain for those with PTSD and artificial intelligence to process therapeutic data to deliver a personalized treatment program for all clients. For more information, please call us at 866-399-3469 as we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.