At Canyon Health Centers our diet consists of meals prepared around the Mediterranean Diet, which is filled with healthy grains, vegetables, lean protein, fruit, nuts, and other fresh, healthy ingredients. During the summer our chef-tended garden produces many of our fresh vegetables, with no pesticides or preservatives added, and year-round sugar and white carbs are not present in the kitchen except for special occasions. Our chefs make this food taste delicious, better than in many fine restaurants. To create lasting impact on our clients our trained chefs also teach cooking classes to illustrate how to integrate these healthy choices into a life outside treatment.

The typical American diet consists of a lot of processed foods, and people with addiction sometimes don’t eat much at all. Both lead to an insufficient amount of good bacteria in the stomach, which means the brain and body don’t get what they need in multiple areas.

Our chef-prepared meals are filled with healthy grains, vegetables, lean protein, fruit, nuts, and other fresh healthy ingredients, oriented around a Mediterranean diet, which works to improve health in many ways. These foods include prebiotics and probiotics, and we also offer supplements with probiotics to ensure clients get what they need to create an optimal stomach biome. Our chef also teaches workshops to assist clients in understanding the fundamentals of healthy eating and how to plan for and prepare delicious, healthy foods.

One of the goals of this diet is to reduce dependence on medication to manage mood, health, and cognitive functioning. Our Psychiatric Provider has an educational and professional focus on the many implications of diet and nutrition on mental health, and works weekly with clients to enhance their response to the medications that they are on, and to reduce their need for medications overall, if appropriate.Our approach to the food we serve is consistent with the research and understanding about how what we eat influences how we feel and function. The stomach produces up to 90% of our serotonin and 50% of our dopamine, both neurotransmitters that make us feel good and “normal”, in addition to performing many functions that lead to improved mental and physical health.The “gut-brain” connection refers to the complex bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain. This connection is supported by a growing body of scientific research, including studies in neuroscience, immunology, and microbiology.

One key aspect of the gut-brain connection is the role of the enteric nervous system (ENS), a network of neurons and other cells located in the walls of the digestive tract. The ENS is often referred to as the “second brain” because it can function independently of the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord. The ENS communicates with the CNS through various pathways, including the vagus nerve, which connects the brainstem to the digestive tract.

Another important aspect of the gut-brain connection is the role of the gut microbiome, the community of microorganisms that inhabit the digestive tract. Research has shown that the gut microbiome can influence brain function and behavior through various mechanisms, including the production of neurotransmitters, hormones, and other signaling molecules.

Furthermore, the gut and brain are interconnected through the immune system, which plays a critical role in regulating inflammation and immune responses throughout the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various neurological and psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline.

The scientific basis of the gut-brain connection is supported by a wide range of research findings, including studies on the anatomy and physiology of the ENS, the role of the gut microbiome in brain function, and the impact of inflammation on mental health. This growing body of research highlights the importance of considering the gut-brain connection in the treatment and management of mental health disorders.

Research has shown that certain dietary factors, such as omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and probiotics, can improve mental health outcomes and reduce symptoms of mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety. In addition, certain dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, have been associated with improved mental health outcomes.

We are specifically formulated to offer personalized therapeutic interventions to adult individuals with mental health disorders.

We provide a comprehensive Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) that offers clients the opportunity to attend group therapy sessions three to five times a week.

We work with most major insurance policies

We get reimbursement for 85% of our clients *We don’t take Medicaid or Medicare

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We do not accept Medicare or Medicaid.

We are a private pay program, and are out of network with most insurance companies. We have success securing single case agreements with many companies, however, the rate of payment on those varies with the insurance company and we cannot guarantee what they might pay. We will run a Verification of Benefits (VOB) when we receive your insurance information so you have a general idea of what your insurance policy may reimburse, however, that is an estimate based on what all people insured by your company have received from your insurance, not a guarantee of what they will pay in your case.

On average, Corner Canyon’s clients receive a portion of insurance reimbursement 85-90% of the time, but the amount varies from minimal repayment to full reimbursement. We have a team of insurance advocates who are invested in helping families secure as much reimbursement as possible.

Fill out our Online Application here or call us at 877-226-0317 and you will receive a return call, text, or email quickly, depending on what you specify. We want you to have the best experience possible with us from start to finish, and responsive communication is part of that.

Take a virtual tour of our inpatient facility.

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Liz Lund, MPA

Liz is originally from lush green Washington State. She is a life enthusiast and a huge fan of people. Liz has always loved learning why people are the way they are. She moved to UT in 2013 and completed her bachelors degree in Psychology in 2016. After college Liz worked at a residential treatment center and found that she was not only passionate about people, but also administration. Liz is recently finished her MPA in April 2022. Liz loves serving people and is excited and looking forward to learning about; and from our clients here at Corner Canyon.
When Liz is not busy working she love being outdoors, eating ice cream, taking naps, and spending time with her precious baby girl and sweet husband.