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Have you ever used the terms “anxiety attack” and “panic attack” interchangeably? If so, did you know there is a difference between the two? While some may be guilty of slapping a blanket statement on a particular person without much knowledge about what it means, this does not apply to everybody.
Cheryl Kehl
Developmental disorders affect every part of the individual’s and their loved ones’ life. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comes in various shapes and sizes, making everyone’s experience different.
Cheryl Kehl
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, more commonly known as OCD, affects millions around the United States. While it often goes undiagnosed, there is treatment available for OCD. Understanding what OCD is and if you have it could be the first step to treating OCD.
Dana Goodrich
Relationships aren’t always easy, but trying to support a partner with bipolar disorder can add extra strain to your dynamic. Watching your loved one swing from fervent highs to despondent lows can be confusing and heartbreaking.
Cheryl Kehl
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