COVID-19 and Depression: How You Can Seek Help

A woman stands in front of a dimly lit wall with many used medical masks on it. The woman is experiencing depression and anxiety after covid deemed post pandemic depression.

The world wide pandemic we are currently experiencing has created depression and anxiety and sometimes addiction to unhealthy habits for many people, as well as added more for those who already struggle with these kinds of concerns.  The many months of additional stress, isolation, and uncertainty have taxed even mentally healthy individuals who have good emotional support systems and who have kept their jobs, while people who have lost jobs or been displaced physically in addition can be highly distressed, leading to increased levels of depression, anxiety, and addiction.  These can complicate an individual’s ability to return to previous levels of functioning unless help is obtained.  The help needed can include individual, family, or group therapy, assessment for temporary medication assistance, medical intervention, and combinations of these approaches depending on the needs of the individual and the different types of stress they are experiencing and reacting to. 

Once a person has arrived at the conclusion that they can benefit from some type of intervention, either independently or with intervention with loved ones, determining what assistance would be most helpful can direct efforts so that benefits can be achieved in the most timely, effective way.  Assessment of those needs can take place in separate specialist settings, if an individual knows what type of help is needed, or in a more comprehensive environment that can look at multiple variables quickly and thoroughly.  A comprehensive environment like an Inpatient Residential Treatment Center can accomplish this assessment and also provide behavioral assistance in breaking unhealthy habits if that is part of the recommended treatment.  The longer the depression or addiction go on, the more likely a person is to need longer term intervention.  If an individual is experiencing multiple negative variables they might also need more time in treatment since sorting these variables out can be complicated and less likely to succeed unless they are all treated concurrently.

Depression Treatment Programs and Methods

If an individual was functioning relatively well prior to the onset of the pandemic, they are less likely to need extensive mental health treatment, and often some temporary assistance from medication and some individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help them get back on track.  If their relationships with other people have been impacted then couples or family therapy might be indicated.  A good individual therapist can often help coordinate and provide these types of intervention.

If low levels of addiction were already a primary coping method for stress and discomfort, it can accelerate quickly as the increased stress over long periods of time has an effect on the patterns of use; more relief is sought as tolerance increases, which leads to more physical, emotional, and mental dependence on the drug(s) or behaviors of choice.  This can reduce functioning in important areas and lead to more extensive problems, which can increase already problematic stress, anxiety, and depression.  This combination becomes more complicated to treat, and often intensive Residential Treatment is more effective than attempting to treat the different variables on an outpatient basis.

If someone has already experienced trauma in their past, with problematic responses to it (PTSD), the likelihood that the pandemic will trigger these past experiences and reactions can be high.  The exact same kind of trauma isn’t necessary to trigger these unhealthy responses, simply a similar emotional state can put the body and mind back into those coping methods, which can reduce an individual’s ability to function well in uncertain circumstances.  Sometimes people with a history of trauma will need to take time out to reprocess their old trauma, integrating past progress with effective treatment for the new, current stressors and reactions.  There are new treatments available that can help restore trauma victims to previous levels of functioning quickly, including Brainspotting and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), the SGB (Stellate Ganglion Block) shot,  and Brain Technology (such as biofeedback).  This type of combined treatment is usually accomplished most effectively on an inpatient basis.

If a person already has existing mental health concerns, and/or addiction, the additional stress brought on by the pandemic can push that person over the edge of their ability to manage themselves even with assistance from loved ones or individual specialists.  These people are very likely to need intervention in multiple areas, best accomplished in an inpatient setting that can address all areas simultaneously, in addition to improving their nutritional status, communication and interpersonal skills, and healthy coping skills like meditation, exercise, and yoga.  

Types of therapy available in Inpatient settings include Individual, family, and group therapy (research indicates that group therapy is the most effective), Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), EMDR, Brainspotting, Psychoeducational, Psychodrama, and others.  Additional forms of intervention that can be accomplished in an intensive setting include Equine Therapy, Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Experiential Therapy, Recreational Therapy, massage, and other impactful experiences.  

Gentle emotional guidance is provided by experienced, caring personnel who are available 24/7 to help with individual needs.  Highly trained and experienced therapists work with individuals and their loved ones to assess and provide needed intervention.  Medical, Psychological, and Psychiatric personnel conduct comprehensive assessment upon a client’s entry to Inpatient Treatment to aid in directing treatment and providing understanding.  DNA testing, Brain Technology, and other innovative interventions add the most currently available assistance to these interventions, increasing the benefits and decreasing the time needed in treatment.

How Corner Canyon Health Centers Can Help

Seeking anxiety and depression treatment programs are critical to individuals who suffer from them, especially in the stressful times we are experiencing with Covid-19.  Relief from vaccinations and economic improvement will take many more months and years to help restore the world and individuals to previous healthier functioning, and permanent damage can be caused in individuals if they do not receive the appropriate treatments for their concerns in a timely manner.  Talk with your loved ones about your concerns and offer to help them find the right level of care to get them back on a healthier footing.  Reach out to professionals who have the expertise your loved ones require.  Corner Canyon Health Centers can help.

Treatment centers for depression
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Liz Lund, MPA

Liz is originally from lush green Washington State. She is a life enthusiast and a huge fan of people. Liz has always loved learning why people are the way they are. She moved to UT in 2013 and completed her bachelors degree in Psychology in 2016. After college Liz worked at a residential treatment center and found that she was not only passionate about people, but also administration. Liz is recently finished her MPA in April 2022. Liz loves serving people and is excited and looking forward to learning about; and from our clients here at Corner Canyon.
When Liz is not busy working she love being outdoors, eating ice cream, taking naps, and spending time with her precious baby girl and sweet husband.